For Students

One outreach project sponsored by the Rockbridge Historical Society is the Lewis and Clark Trunk, an exact replica of the trunks that were transported across our country in an expedition to discover what lay beyond the Missouri River, an expedition to discover a passage to the west. The Trunk “travels” with RHS staff and volunteers to the local schools to give the students an opportunity to see and feel the tools, medicines, paints, foods, flora, fauna and trade items that were packed to go west with the men. A true enrichment that few students ever get to experience, as this is only one of 70 trunks nation-wide.

Click HERE to view a sample 4th grade worksheet we use with the Lewis and Clark Trunk when we visit schools.

Click HERE  to see an Inventory of Supplies supporting the Lewis & Clark Expedition (many of them included in RHS’ Discovery Trunk): including foods and medicines, animal and botanical specimens, tools and weapons, trade items and Native artifacts.