Free Public Program: The Kerrs Creek Raids: Life & Death on the Rockbridge Frontier

Kerrs Creek Raids event poster

The Rockbridge Historical Society will host a free public program titled “The Kerrs Creek Raids: Life & Death on the Rockbridge Frontier,” on Sunday, March 30, 2:00 PM, at New Monmouth Presbyterian Church

A slideshow presentation will re-visit the deadly attacks of 1759 and 1763 in western Rockbridge County.  It provides new contexts for their relationship to shifting patterns of local colonial settlement, and the accelerating conflicts between European and indigenous empires, a decade and a half before Rockbridge was founded during the Revolutionary War.  The program concludes with an overview and tour of a neighboring cemetery, where some of those involved and their descendants were buried, now the site of a growing restoration project.  

The News-Gazette feature on the program and histories is available online.